Café Verrückt |
Einladung zur 9. Sitzung am 16. Juni 2016, um 1111h, im Café 'Zur Steipe' in Trier zur Lektüre dreier Limericks |
There was a young fellow of Gloucester, Whose wife ran away with a coucester. He traced her to Leicester And tried to arreicester, But in spite of his efforts he loucester. A bald-headed judge of Beauclerk Fell in love with a maiden seauferk Residing at Bicester, Who said when he kicester, 'I won't wed a man with neauherk. There was an old man from Dunoon, Who always ate soup with a fork. For he said, 'As I eat Neither fish, fowl nor flesh I should finish my dinner too quick.' (George Bernard Shaw ?) |
Vale! |